We're a month away from Emmy being a year old!
This was a big month for our girl! We found her sitting up in her crib post nap for the first time, she stood by herself for quite a while (had to get her in position, but she stayed up on her own) & she ATE REAL FOOD! We've had so much trouble getting her to eat, but she's finally enjoying carrots, strawberries, bananas, and cheese among other things.
She is also crawling! When we returned from our beach trip in June, Emmy immediately started scooting and dragging herself around. After that, nothing could hold our little cutie back. She is ALL OVER the place and getting into EVERYTHING. Crazy how quickly things change.
This month Emmy participated in her first 5k (TFC's Run Your Street 5k), celebrated her first Father's Day with Brent and had her first 4th of July. Check out a few photos from the month:
Run Your Street 5k - Emmy rode in the ergo carrier while mommy walked. |
Happy Father's Day! |
Until next time...